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Fractals are on the cutting edge of mathematics because deep exploration of their properties was not possible without modern technology. Basically, a fractal is a geometric shape that is self-similar, ...

This experiment will explore whether fractals really repeat themselves infinitely. Are fractals really self-similar? How far must one zoom into a fractal to find an exact replica of the whole fractal? ...

Iterated algorithms are very important for mathematics today. By repeating equations, scientists are finding brand new things out about the natural world (populations, epidemics, etc.). Iterated algor ...

Motion parallax” is easily demonstrable by closing one eye, staring at a pencil, and then opening the closed eye and closing the other. The pencil appears to move because the eyes have different locat ...

Sunspots are disturbed areas of the sun that look like spots because they are cooler than the surface of the sun. They have been observed and recorded since the 18th Century. This large collection of ...

Although an in-depth study of fractals was not possible before computers, the theory is not totally new. Helge von Koch, a Swedish mathematician, discovered a fractal in the early 20th Century, and no ...